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berkshire middle school

A middle school that has mostly horrible teachers. Kids that smell like shit. That is run by a group called the Becky’s. There are Becky boys and Becky girls. The Becky boys are annoying and think their funny, but half the school wants to be them. Most of their only friends outside of group are some of the Becky girls, and the three coolest of the Becky boys have a lot of friends outside BMS like in high school. So they think there really cool, but there just assholes. The Becky girls are all competing and have a social high archery inside there own group. There is one number one, then two bellow that hate each other but still like the number one. One of the number twos acts like she’s number one but she’s just annoying. Everyone after is kind of even in popularity, but they all want to be number one. Then there’s a whole other group of Becky’s (want to be Becky’s) that are irrelevant basic bitches. Becky number one has friends out side of BMS so do Becky number 2s but other then that there all losers that fight with there own “friends” all the time. The rest of the school is basically split into three groups the ppl that hate the Becky’s except a couple nice ones that are popular for being nice and funny (like Becky number one), the people that wants to be them, and the kids that pick there nose and sit alone at lunch and have long crusty hair.

Person: “Do you like your Berkshire Middle School?”
Student: “No it’s full of Becky Bitches and assholes, horrible teachers, and stank ass hoes.”

by goblue April 18, 2019

Berkshire Middle School

A school where all of the kids think they are popular but there is only one popular group. All the teachers suck. Everything is on a low budget. There is one popular group who think they are nice and funny but actually really annoying. The other groups just act like they are popular so they will get more friends. But they know they are not actually part of the popular group. All the popular girls alternate dating the popular boys and never date someone outside of the popular boy/girl group.

Person: “Do u like being at Berkshire middle school?”

Student: “No it’s full of bad teachers and popular kids who think they are cool when they are not.”

by Flipper246 November 20, 2019