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bitch fest

a "bitch fest" refers to an unproductive meeting of people where complaints are aired. The complaints that are aired can be about anything. Often the attendees of a bitch fest meeting will dramatically complain about one another. The best bitch fests will have complaints aired that have nothing to do with the original purpose of the meeting, and end with a few of the attendees having wild temper tantrums.

bitch, a colloquial phrase sometimes used for a woman who is considered bossy, manipulative, or showing anger, is used in the term "bitch fest". This is due to the belief, by some, that women are better at expressing their feelings than are men.

Men, however, have been found to be as capable of expressing dramatic complaints as are women, and the term can be applied to any gathering of people where complaints are passionately expressed, whether attendees are men or women. bitch has now also become common slang for "complaint", which can be applied equally to men or women.

"fest" is short for "festival". This describes how a meeting becomes more of a show, or performance.

The executives met on Friday to discuss the upcoming board of directors election. At the meeting, Jim complained about the snacks, John complained about executives only making one-hundred times more than what general employees of the company make, Sally complained about her limousine, Tom screamed at Brian that he was lazy, and Brian wet his pants complaining that Tom picks on him too much. No decisions were made. It was a fabulous bitch fest.

by MarkAlfred April 28, 2007

132👍 12👎

bitch fest

bi-tch fest Used in overly dramatic and preppy situations. Used to scare and frighten members of the opposite or same sex. Can sometimes be referred to as a bf

A: Oh my freaking god, I'm gonna have a BF!" *Antsy movements and fit approaching*

by Bunny March 25, 2005

10👍 37👎

Evangelical Bitch Fest

When a bunch of pompous, arrogant, evangelicals get together and talk about how the world should be, even though they are in positions of power and have no real intention of change- just whole lot of talking and bitching

Evangelical Bitch Fest mock conversation:

Two evangelical ministers meet to discuss problems in the world-

Baptist deacon says, "My church doesn't have women deacons. I think the women in my congregation are oppressed."

Episcopal priest says, "The people in the neighborhood surrounding our church are victim to economic injustice."

Baptist deacon says, "Things need to change in the world to help those people out...Wanna go play golf?"

by Kobe KTizzle October 19, 2010

52👍 17👎

ugly bitch fest

an ugly bitch fest

is a group of girls that are but ugly and get no attention by boys
yet.. they are all so bitchy to everyone

a: omg why is rose and her friends so bitchy?
b: i dunno they're all so ugly how can they be so bitchy and stuck up
a: strange.. its such an ugly bitch fest

by haveyouseenyouruglyface January 6, 2010

6👍 8👎