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Bitch stare

A look usually given by girls to other girls to intimidate. Girls that do this can be described as a bitch face. You look right up and down them and then look into their eyes like ¬_¬ and then usually walk off.

She gave me a bitch stare and walked off.

by Love Peace and Chocolate June 30, 2014

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hot bitch stare

The look a girl gives you when you piss her off. The girl giving the look does not necessarily need to be a hot bitch but she can be.

Guy: You've been giving me these weird looks.
Me: No, that's just my hot bitch stare.
Guy: Your what?
Me: *hot bitch stare*

Me: She wouldn't stop talking about her cat until I gave her my hot bitch stare.

by unicornsandnarwhals January 5, 2012

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