Is a rare book written in the 80's by various rappers. You can usually find a copy at a local bodega, behind The Source magazine. It has terms and sayings used by the everyday thug. Most white people study this book to learn how to talk to their black friend.
You: You got mad squabbles b!
Me: squabbles is in the black dictionary
You: let me check in the black dictionary
You: ya it's their, originated in Compton, 1986
How black people (white trash as well) incorrectly pronounce words or phrases:
Water = Wuddah
Street = Screet
Going to = Gonna/finna
Money = Muney
Neighborhood = Hood
Dog = Dawg
Whats up = Wassup
Get me = Gits me
Some = Sum
Am not = Ain't
What are you = Whatchu
Drugs = Drogs
Fool = Foo
School = Schoo
Name me one word in the Black Dictionary: Wuddah
Use it a sentence:
Yo bruh git me some wuddah dawg
when the 'showman' gets behind in processing definitions, backing up his/her/its' 'system'!, good, worthy definitions get 'lost' in the shuffle, possibly appearing in the next ice age, possibly NOT!! -no author knowledge of acceptance OR rejection!!
did you ever get boomer gone! into u.d.? no, its' still lost in the urban dictionary black hole
urban dictionary thumbs down clown missing out on a lot of 'good' definitions, lost in the urban dictionary black hole
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