v. to secretly read someone's blog with the express purpose of learning more about them without their knowledge; to stalk via blog
I'm going to blog-stalk my friend's new boyfriend and find out what he's really like.
I'm blog-stalking that cute girl in poli sci.
My blog-stalker finally posted a comment; she should've known I was tracking her through my web stats.
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A. One who creeps on others blogs, and knows too much of the blog owner.
Might become obsessed with checking for new updates & pretend like they know them.
What a creep...i just checked my stats and that one girl totally blog-stalks me
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Is when a Fellow Blogger, who Follows you, re-blogs or re-posts almost All Your Content in their feed from you.
Not necessarily a Bad Thing (they do appreciate your content) --- but it gets to be a bit deja vu when you are looking in your feed (if you follow them).
This guy is stalk blogging me - he must really like my posts.