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bloody fart

1. A renowned band.

2. When you let one rip in your pants and one of your hard nuggets cuts the inside of your anus(Your colon), and your ass bleeds really bad.
This is usually very visible, and everyone will know when it happens, and trust us, it WILL happen.

Last night at the club I made a bloody fart in my pants while I was grinding this chick, she totally ran away.

by mike hunt is warm November 19, 2006

17👍 7👎

bloody vagina fart

A queef during a womans period.

She let out a nasty bloody vagina fart when I was earning my Red Wings.

by Zach "Tay Tay" June 20, 2008

50👍 20👎

bloody cum fart

its when the guy does the girl up ass, and blows it up there, after she is bleeding, she farts, and the cum comes bubbling out all red from the blood

Last ngiht, Kels gave Nancy a bloody cum fart

by Mike April 29, 2003

26👍 20👎

bloody vagina farts

self explanatory- also called BVF.

if someone is about to puke yell,
"BVF" or "Bloody vagina farts"
this should induce them to puke.

by Anonymous April 14, 2003

24👍 22👎

bloody cum fart

tourtously peneterating the anus of a female, flaggence then occours, since seman was deposited in the anal cavity and the interior lining of the anus was damaged, blood the spwes from the anus along with gas and seman.

Darla clanched her fists, and in a blustering whirl she dispatched a bloody cum fart.

by Chuck Dickinson September 25, 2003

16👍 15👎

bloody vaginal fart

the epic combination of terror and pure bliss found only when long stroking an egg sloughing pudding cave, too tight tranny, hyperextending the hymen. the bloody vocal duo will either bring you to tears (can be joyous, or fearful tears), evoke uncontrollable vomiting, or...for some of you fucking freaks... get you ready for round two.

HOLY SHIT FUCK... did you seriously just... you did... that was the most impressive bloody vaginal fart EVER. GOD that makes me wet.

by callmegrizzly January 11, 2011

5👍 6👎

bloody cum fart

for definition see term

by Anonymous July 28, 2003

4👍 22👎