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When Video Games rely luck of a shot instead of accuracy

Johnny: Dude, Fortnite has like, so much bloom man, it’s crazy
Ben: what are you, five? Stop complaining dude

by Cuck&Suck June 18, 2018

93πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž


The act of bottoming in a gay relationship.

β€œI prefer to bloom with my boyfriend, he’s the active in our relationship.”

by mideiclear January 2, 2019

25πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Bloom is usually associated with flowers. As when flowers bloom from a seed thye turn into a flower. Bloom can be also be a girl. Peopel with the name Bloom are very delicate and petty. And when thye mad than u better get ready cuase she well curse ur ass out.

Did u see that flower Bloom.

by My ass whore May 22, 2019

18πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The miraculous act claimed by some where an infintesimally small penis gets alot bigger when erect. Almost always a lie-- they usually just have a small penis.

Upon being pantsed, everyone laughed at Brandon's small wiener. He claimed it really bloomed. I for one doubted it!

by Mr. Flint October 4, 2006

114πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


A major explosion that shapes like a flower similar to the mushroom shape like a Hydrogen makes.

"Diedara threw a clay bomb and it went *Bloom*"

by Mana94 March 13, 2009

26πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Verb: The act of having explosive diarrhea and accidentally getting feces on your balls; the act of defecating on someone else's balls in order for them to be pleasured by the act.

"Damn. After that Chipotle we ate last night, I ended up accidentally blooming. My balls looked like they were dipped in chocolate."

"Sandy bloomed on my balls last night before sex. The warmth turned me on to no end."

by Hansonpaulsey October 14, 2009

41πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


A sound effect used for the purpose of saying outloud when performing an action such as punching, kicking, throwing something, etc...

*Be sure to put a long emphasis on the long "oo" sound. Such as, "Blo0o0o0o0o0m!"

Gary is driving late at night back home when he decides to throw some trash out his car window. After he rolls it down, he shouts "Bloom!!!" as he chucks it out.

Thus, the sound effect adds to the boring-ness of just throwing it out without one.

by x-xRichardx-x July 11, 2008

11πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž