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Blue Badged

Gay slang meaning that you've been fucked so hard that you've been rendered disabled and now qualify for a disability parking permit or 'blue badge'.

Jesus, Stephen blue badged me so hard last night, I'm in danger of a prolapse.

by rambodora July 3, 2014

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the blue badge of faggotry

A "verified" user checkmark found next to the username of anyone stupid enough to give their personal information to twitter, such as a celebrity or public official, but most of the time found next to the usernames of has-been journalists and complete nobodies. The badge is named for it's blue coloration, and the fact users possessing the blue badge of faggotry tend to enjoy broadcasting their retarded, uninformed, usually left-wing leaning opinions over the virtual soapbox.

When you see someone acting retarded on twitter, look for the blue badge of faggotry.

by Dr_dude April 20, 2019

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blue peter badge

is when you get a girl to give you a blow job whilsr humming the blue peter theme tune

get a girl to hum the blue peter theme song whilst giving you a blow job enase the phrase i got a blue peter badge last night

by michael carlo bonaccorsi July 12, 2008

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Blue Badge Wank

A Blue badge wank is achieved when one goes on to a adult cam site and randomly finds an adult with a disability and engages in mutual masturbation.

Mr Ford drank half a bottle of whiskey last night and had his first blue badge experience.
Or Better known as The Blue Badge Wank

by Dr Form November 1, 2020