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Blue Moon

A great card game. One of the best, really.

"Hey friend, want to go play some Blue Moon?"

by Spiff Whitman May 16, 2019

24πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Blue Moon

a Belgian-Style wheat beer brewed by the Molson Coors Brewing Company, and has held the record of "Greatest Tasting Beer on Earth" since it's invention. Commonly served with a slice of orange. Drinking any other beer besides Blue Moon is a hate crime and can lead to conviction.

Dude, put down that mexican piss-water Corona and throw me a Blue Moon!

by Green Thug Booger February 2, 2007

395πŸ‘ 144πŸ‘Ž

Blue Moon

A country in the Southern part of Wars World.Home to famous COs like Olaf and Grit.

Blue Moon is being invaded!

by Jack January 18, 2004

27πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Blue Moon

A blue moon is a man's shaved buttocks. Preferably having shaven it using his girlfriend's razor.

"Hey, that's a nice blue moon you've got there."

"I can't go out tonight. I need some male grooming time, working on my blue moon."

by sally, that girl March 4, 2010

18πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž

Blue Moon

To moon someone or a group of people, however with also pulling down your underwear or any undergarment, exposing both bare butt cheeks.

β€œSome random frat guy was drunk as hell last night and decided to blue moon us for no reason... we saw his harry asshole!”

by 69Escort4Hire69 February 28, 2019

3πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Blue Mooning

When one moons another person while clenching an orange, clementine, or tangerine between their ass cheeks.

When he turned the corner he was surprised by a gentleman who was blue mooning some Finnish tourists. Nothing but ass cheeks and two rather large navel oranges.

by DickFingerDave March 25, 2018

blue moon

Originally, in a season in which four full moons occurred, the blue moon was the third of these.

In 1946, an error in the magazine *Sky and Telescope* led to the term referring to the second blue moon in a month.

Today, the phrase 'blue moon' is used to refer to an event that happens quite rarely. Interestingly, by either of the definitions given above, it would ean something that occurs on average every 2.5 years.

There'll be a blue moon in a few weeks.

I watch soap operas once in a blue moon.

by Darth Ridley February 27, 2007

113πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž