A bomb-ass show on HBO. Set in the 1920s, it is a show about a shady, cunning Treasurer Enoch "Nucky" Thompson during the Prohibition era in Atlantic City, New Jersey. This show includes his interactions with other shady characters in politics of that time, bootlegging, prostitution, murder and all that jazz. Despite being a show about the dingy, dangerous, roaring 20s, one can't help but long to have lived during that time...as a white man, of course.
Me: Man, I love Richard Harrow! He's the most awesome character in Boardwalk Empire!
Boyfriend: But his face is all fucked up.
Me: Fuck you! I'd bang him like a screen door during a tsunami!
Boyfriend: That's why you're awesome.
Margaret Schroeder is a holier-than-thou bitch. She must die.
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