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bong out

The act of smoking a lot of marijuana from a bong. Usually a group activity.

We're chilling at Greg's later, come bong out with us.

We bonged out in Trevor's living room.

by good_memoryz January 8, 2011

bong out

When a bong is continuously passed around in a circle 'til someone turns it down cause they just can't smoke anymore refer.

"Ahhhhh!!! Ha! Ha! - Tracy bonged out!"

"Let's go to the tree house and bong out."

by Nicole Berger May 3, 2008

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bonged out

Interchangable with monged or monged out."Bonged out" is the state you are left in after partaking in the prolonged inhalation of combusted canabis (herbal or hash) smoke & vapour drawn up through water in a smoking device known as a bong. See mongathon and bongathon.

After smokin' that rope bar we was totally bonged out, innit see! I couldnt even see the fucking Playstation!

by Hurnia December 27, 2006

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bong out with your dong out

To take a bong rip in the nude, also colloquially known as taking a McConaughey.

"What are you doing right now, dude?"
"I'm about to take a couple McConaugheys."
"Right on. Bong out with your dong out."

by OsirusR November 11, 2009

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bong out with your dong out

Verb-The art of smoking weed while being nude; alone or in a group setting.

Caller 1- Hey bro whats happening tonight?
Caller 2- Not much, just got out of the shower it's 420 I'm about to smoke out.
Caller 1- Oh you mean you're gonna bong out with your dong out?? !!!
Caller 2- Yeah, I get it, that's hilarious! Stop on by, we can have a circle jerk!

by Coolkit January 22, 2014