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the most sweetest, beautiful, kindest boy imaginable, every one wants someone as caring and loveable as ‘boodin’ in their lives

what’s the name of the most sweetest boy in the world? ah well that will be boodin of course!

by lucy165 February 26, 2022


A nimwit, moron, ass.

don't be such a boodin, man. Everyone knows the "s" in Illinois is SILENT.

by Eric February 19, 2004

4👍 6👎


A state of being where you are just existing nothing more nothing less you are just boodin

Someone says to you hi beautiful what are you doing? You respond just in bed boodin

by R lehr bood July 25, 2021


A state of being where you are just existing nothing more nothing less just boodin

Someone asks you “what are you up to beautiful” your respond “nothing just boodin in bed”

by R lehr bood July 25, 2021