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bottom of the bag

wack, bootskins, crummy, huff huff, lame, boring

person 1: How was the party last night?
person 2: That was bottom of the bag, cops pulled up

by elliemej August 13, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Filthy, dirty, disgusting, bottom feeding, trash bag, ho

An insult created by wrestling personality, Chris Jericho.


"Wow, I'd be insulted if you weren't quoting a burnt out wrestler."

by Johnny Rocketfingers April 4, 2004

42๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

bottom bag fries

The fries that fell out their containment to the bottom of the bag for later indulgence.

Guy one:that Big Mac meal didn't fill me up..

Guy two:you can have my bottom bag fries

Guy one:oh what!! Hand them over!!

by Johnathan Juelas August 10, 2011

bottom bag surprises

the extra french fries, wedges, or onion rings that aren't in your fry container and you find at the bottom of the bag when you order fast food

I ordered some food from McDonald's and found some bottom bag surprises on my way home

by hardhitr3 August 12, 2009

58๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bottom of the Barrel Trash Bag Ass Bitch

Some dry ass bitch ho who is such a skank and is motherfucking dry on the inside and outside.

Oh my god, Tiffany is such a Bottom of the Barrel Trash bag Ass Bitch!

by kingohoes October 21, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

bottom of the bag

when you got skittles that you forget

dailin: i got skittles but i forgot because they're in the bottom of the bag

by bottom of the bag March 17, 2016

bottom of the bag

the literal definition of this phrase is referring to the bottom of a bag of chips. the slang definition of this phrase was brought about by an instance of a person purposely opening a bag of chips from the bottom and then claiming that it is normal/common practice when it is obviously not common practice. ever since that pivotal moment in history, anything that is uncommonly weird and/or eccentric can be referred to as โ€œbottom of the bagโ€. this phrase is synonymous with โ€œthatโ€™s susโ€ (as in โ€œthat action is suspectโ€)

Tom: did you see Spike get some hand-sanitizer and use it style his hair?
Jerry: Yeah, that was kind of Bottom of the Bag for him to do that

by zacharyH January 15, 2021