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Brass Ankle

A racist, deragatory term for black people; refers to their tribal roots.

Jerry just called Jamal a brass ankle. That dirty white cracker is gonna catch a beat down after school.

by Mr. Lupus November 15, 2008

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Brass Ankles

The Brass Ankles are a tribe of Sweetgum Kriyul people, a triracial isolate Creole group mostly concentrated in Eastern North America with 1 to 2 million people. The term Brass Ankles was originally a slur, but the community it reclaiming the term, similar to Melungeons and other Sweetgum Kriyul tribes.

Brass Ankles are among the most friendly people I've ever met. They are a people of honour and dignity and have my respect because of this.

by Son of Ogun December 4, 2024