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bridgton academy

A prep school located in the woods of Maine which offers competitive athletics and academics. Pussy is nonexistent at this school, and students rely on excessive masturbation or the sleazy lunch ladies to satisfy their sexual urges. Unfortunately, due to the absence of women, students contract an alarming disorder referred to as “BA Goggles.” Inflicted students disregard size, age, teeth, and overall attractiveness in their pursuit for local pussy.

I would rather cop dome off a piranha than go back to bridgton academy.

by BAclassof09 March 18, 2009

125👍 43👎

bridgton academy

dont fucking come to this god forsaken place. you will dip excessively, pop pills even if you have never done any drugs before, and masturbate constantly.

i would rather go to prison because atleast there is sex there, than go to bridgton academy

by drunkatba11 November 13, 2010

46👍 30👎

Bridgton academy

A life sucking concentration camp in the middle of Maine ,that reeks of sperm and dip spit with the lowest possible amount of vagina and a lack of marijuana. The dean is the bad guy from IRON MAN and his henchman will punish anyone who smiles

"Eddie fucked everything he could find with a set of tits and 2 legs on his first weekend off campas from bridgton academy" and " yooooo dawg, wanna chill down in mass hall?" " nah man, it reeks of dip spit and jizz splatter"

by Fuck BA October 10, 2012

11👍 17👎