An enormous strand of feces left in most if not all restrooms across North America that wasnt flushed.The brown trout maybe found in all of your friendly local truckstops,fast food spots,place of employment,or even in the conveinence of your own home.In your adventure in searchimg for the brown trout you may run across its ugly as sin cousin the Yellow eyed Brown Trout<turd with corn inside> dont be alarmed its harmless.Warning although the word trout is in its name NEVER EVER TRY TO EAT THE BROWN TROUT.
Matt:Hey mom guess what?
Mom:What hunnie?
Matt:I saw a brown trout today!
Mom:Good for you but wait you didnt eat it did you?
Matt:No way mommy brown trout carry bacteria!
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Piece of crap left in an un-flushed toilet. Done as a surprise for the next person. Often done at work, or public toilets.
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Piece of crap that is so big it won't flush, even after repeated flushes.
Jim left a brown trout in the toilet.
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Better if coupled with "Corn-Eyed-Brown-Trout
I layed a massive Corn-Eyed-Brown-Trout into the shitter.
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A large piece of crap left in the toilet late at night by my wife.
Damn it woman i told you to stop leaving brown trout in the crapper. Flushing it is not going to wake me or the kid.
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Turd so named because of its smooth exterior enabling it to drift gracefully and noiselessly into the pan
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a turd that won't go away despite repeated flushing. not neccisarily a floater
turd, crap,caca,poop,toilet,john, flush
brother:i had to flush the john four times, but i finally got the little brown trout to go downstream
sister: it still stinks
brother: not as much as you
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