Bur-ta-tion ber-tay-shuh’n
1. A big mistake or blunder that one makes and is widely noticed by others
2. A major event or happening, usually heavay in nature.
3. A chaotic but entertaining series of events
4. A temper tantrum or small scale nervous breakdown
5. Any excessive expression of emotion
6. The act or state of burtating
Origin: American English, February 13, 2011—the first burtation occurred at the 53rd Annual Grammy Awards when television reporter Serene Branson suffered a complex migraine on air.
“Well a very very heavay uh…heavay…duh…burtation tonight. We had a very darist darison. Bite, let’s go ahead and terish tazen low shklibet that had the pep.”
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The result of giving insight into highlights and backstage coverage of the 53rd Grammy Awards. Usually heavy in nature. Typically accompanied by the protagonists Darris Darrison and Terry Tazor.
Reporter: "Well a very very heavy burtation tonight. We had a very Darris Darrison byeit and let's go hit Terry Tazor inloshabit and head the pet."
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A heightened state of anticipation (characterized as 'heavy'), especially before an awards presentation.
Coined by CBS LA Reporter Serene Branson, prior to The Grammys, on 13 Feb, 2010.
Well, a very, very heavay, uh heavy duweh...uh burtation tonight. We had a very darriss, darrision...but let's go ahead, terris taison dos cablit the had lapet.
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fumbling words and/or phrases; mispronouncing words; the inability to convey a point; accidental gibberish; tongue-tied
Well a very very heavay - uh - heaveh burtation tonight. We had a very darist-darision, by, lets go hit teret taysan those to the best who had the pet.
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An occurance in which a person has a complete 'brain fart' and does not make sense in speaking. A person's brain is in high overdrive and suffers a temporary 'blonde' moment. Sometimes this burtation is heavy.
"Well a very very heavay - uh - heaveh burtation tonight. We had a very darist-darison, by, lets go hit teret taysan those to the bet who had the pet."
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It's what happens backstage at the 53rd annual Grammy Awards. It's very similar to "darist darison", but much, much heavier I'm afraid. Always singular - there are no known cases of multiple burtations. (Etymology - created by Serene Branson, CBS LA news reporter.)
Well a very very heaveh - uh - heavy burtation tonight. We had a very darist darison, by, let's go hit teret taysan those to the bet who had the pet.
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When someone starts speaking then descends into gibberish. The first burtation took place during Serene Bransons live coverage of the 53rd Grammy Awards in February, 2011
Well, a very very heavy, uh, heavy du-- burtation tonight... we had a very der-- derrison bight... let's go ahead teritizing those poola bit, the had buh pat.
-Serene Branson
I tried to ask Alice out on a date but I was drunk and nervous so my proposal became a total burtation.
Some rambling homeless man tried to sell me drugs I think but I'm not sure because he was having a burtation.
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