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A man sets his pubic hair on fire, usually with a lighter while under the influence of alcohol. Bigger is better.

The female equivalent of a bushfire is a swampfire.

Levi did the best Bushfire at the party last night

Yeah Andrew tried to do a Bushfire too, he burnt himself and now he's got blisters

I could never do a bushfire - I'm too hairy and the house would catch on fire

by L Bailey July 7, 2006

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A fire which is lit between the butt cheeks of an individual with heavy anal hairs.

The fire proceeds to ignite the hairs, usually encouraged by flammable colan gases residing in the area.

A highly regarded party trick involving lighting fluid and matches.

Eyyy mate! Me bushfire is burning like a beeyatch!

Dude! Grab a book or someshit! Grab that dictionary! We gotta pat down my bushfire man!

Wooooo! This bushfire is melting my ass flesh.

by 6Links April 14, 2007

9๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


A woman who has a hairy vagina and a lot of STDs. At the same time.

Kelsea: Man, you know Cassidy?
Johnny: Yeah?
Kelsea: She is such a bushfire...
Johnny: Totally.
Kelsea & Johnny: Nooothing.

by idkman45 December 5, 2007

1๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž


The heat and steam generated from a male and a female having sexual intercourse in the missionary position, where an excessive amount of the up and down motion occurs, and when both parties have an unkept lawn.

This bushfire results from the same way that a standard bushfire is created. Ie. Like rubbing two sticks together and heat is generated.

by Etak_soda September 24, 2011

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Alaskan Bushfire

The act where a man covers his penis in hand sanitizer and then ignites it. A woman then farts on the penis causing his pubic hair to catch flame, like an Alaskan Bushfire

Jared lost his pubes when Nicole gave him an Alaskan Bushfire.

by Firenuts October 3, 2014

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orangutan bushfire

While fucking a girl in the missionary position proceed to light her pubic hairs on fire and then cum on them to put them out.

"I was fucking this bitch and I pulled an orangutan bushfire. I never saw her again."

by My3lbd July 16, 2003

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Bushfire Moon

When a red headed person is nude and bends over.

โ€œGeez look at that Bushfire Moon!โ€

by lilacprovider March 20, 2022