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butt dude

a man who is fascinated with other men butts. Commonly used to describe men who constantly look at dude butts.

Yo, butt dude, what are you staring at?
You are such a butt dude!

by wordwizard999 November 12, 2010

Front Gut Dude Butt

FGDB, two of the most god awful physical features of a slag combined to make one of the most disturbing spectacles these eyes have ever seen. Though the ass is lacking, the ample gut does attempt to make up for the absence of volume on the back end . Skanks with this condition are masters of camouflage and misdirection using over-sized shirts, dresses, and the shade of black. Do not be fooled. Look for the signs.

Dude 1: Oh damn, look at that girl!!

Dude 2: Nah man. That's Taylor. And that is what we call Front Gut Dude Butt. Don't get sucked in.

by DRAGcolumbia January 14, 2011

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