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butt money

butt money is when you stick your dollars in your butt crack before paying for stuff. usually butt money occurs when you are waitiing for food to be delivered.

dude they are taking forever to bring us our food. i'm totally giving him some butt money.

by bellewasok December 5, 2006

33πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

butt money

Money thats been in your back pocket and smells

Person1: aggression dude this dollar smells!

Person2: sorry man that's my butt money

by huddogg January 10, 2010

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Butt Money

Money that one pulls out of their ass in a crisis.

When Joe, who's always broke, had to pay $800 to get his car back from the impound lot, he somehow came up with enough butt money to do it. I think he hit up his mother for the help.

by JJJJ1234 December 10, 2006

9πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Butt Pirate Money

A pirate that gives up his butt for money

Watch out here comes Butt Pirate Money, clinch your bootyholes

by ButtpirAtemoney November 15, 2018

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

money butt naked inc .

leaded by the great og penny banks,these guys always show naked anus cheeks on people and tell the naked truth on haters _______________
your name here

we were born naked

i show naked ass like strippers,i show naked ass like a hospital gown ,i show naked ass like porn ,i show naked ass like a full moon from yellowmans girl friend

by naked bob sagat July 22, 2003

12πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Butt Money

When you have so much money, it’s coming out of your butt. You spend butt money quick because, well, it came out of your butt so you want to get rid of it ASAP.

We’re taking a limo tonight because I have butt money.

by Mmmm Peanuts November 5, 2022

ill money butt

Anything of extremely awesome proportions. Proposed to combine two great things--money and butt--both of which are totally rad. Money, as everyone knows, may not buy happiness but it sure can buy some cool gear. And butt, need one say more?

Brohamuel A: Dude, did you like that sick longboarding sesh we had the other day?
Brohamuel B:Ya bro, it was totally ill money butt. Let's go check our butt mail, see if some hoes are on the line.

by Abdul CC Rat September 16, 2009