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buttered eggrolls

When someone makes you happy. you, being the eggroll, are good on your own, but when someone butters you, you become better. Or when something/one is very pleasant to be around, they are like buttered eggrolls.

Mark, Emily talks about you like buttered eggrolls.

by canigetauhhhhhhhhanimetiddie December 23, 2017

3👍 1👎

butter my eggroll

An idiom that means making someone happy or to have pleasure.
This is derived from a Vine.

Mary is so nice! She always butters my eggroll!
Can you do me a favor? It would butter my eggroll!

by BadHeckingBobba March 12, 2018

57👍 1👎

butters my eggrolls

another way of saying "pisses me off"

That girl really butters my eggrolls

by muffinpigeon August 12, 2017

7👍 5👎

Butter My Eggroll

To butter someones eggroll is to be very strange and sexual around another gender

Eg: Butter My Eggroll Daddy
Friend: Dafuc?

by LitPotato August 20, 2018

6👍 16👎

Really Butters My Eggroll

#1 A way to express enjoyment of Food

#2 The way hippies express enjoyment or Happiness

#1 "Hey, This really butters my eggroll"

#2 "Dude, That really butters my eggroll, man.

by Pixel. June 21, 2017

2👍 1👎