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Calm Your Fuck

A call for rationality irrationally phrased. To be used when the subtlest of ironies seems necessary.

Friend: Do you think the Cuban's gonna kill me? I mean, there's no way I could've known she was his wife.

You: Dude, calm your fuck and buy me another beer.

by Cougar the Man June 1, 2007

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Calm Your Fucking Farm

A rowdy farm, with too many animals making lots of noise.

When someone causes trouble for no reason, spreading rumours or carrying on like a 2 year old.

When people carry on over something ever so trivial and they make that much noise, you would think the world was about to end.

- Oh my god, what a looser, I can do better than that!!

- Ey, settle down and Calm Your Fucking Farm!

by Vanessa Mars November 19, 2019