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calmye is such a sexy omega chad who should get more appreciation (especially from ghost and stone)

Calmye is an OmegaChad

by not calmye October 22, 2020

3👍 2👎


Calm down

"I'm gonna kill that motherfucker"
"Hey kid, calmy"

by atti453 January 28, 2018


A calm person like Quro.

SovietMushroom: Quro is Calmy
Wedanc64: Yes Calmy

by black man 3k September 12, 2021


A buzzword abbreviation sort of saying 'calming substance'. Usually used to describe some sort of antihistamine thats used to sedate someone.

"I will go and grab a calmie real quick, hold on."

by dberg12 February 11, 2016


the cutest mod ever who should be constantly praised (by ghost and stone)

calmye is an omega chad who fucks

by not calmye October 22, 2020


the cutest mod ever he should be praised by everyone (especially ghost and stone)

calmye is an omega chat

by not calmye October 22, 2020