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Camel Face

A Jewish/Middle Eastern girl with a long nose, eyes are close together, and a face like a camel.

Women like Amy Winehouse, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Barbara Streisand all have a camel face.

by bufordo August 29, 2007

51👍 24👎

camel face

Jay Z

Hey is Joe Camel or Jay Z? I can't tell the diference, maybe they're twins...

by HoneyBee18 July 16, 2003

61👍 35👎

camel face

to have an unusually large uneven forehead. This is sometimes accompanied by large camel like lips.

thank goddness we don't know that girl, others i'd actually feel bad for making fun of her camel face.

by ApR!L like the month only better March 24, 2003

17👍 15👎

open faced camel toe

open faced camel toe

she was wearing a full body suit but it was so see through i could see the open faced camel toe.

by thefunkylee August 15, 2018