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camello=camel, person who sell any kind of drugs

the police catced the camello when selling to the yonki

by Antonio March 28, 2005

17👍 8👎


1.-Word in Spanish slang to refer to the pushers, drug dealers.
2-.Mammal with two humps, herbivorous and with skinny legs, long neck and little head that lives with Gobi nomads.

Ayer quedé con el camello en la esquina del parque.
—Yesterday I met with the pusher at the park corner.

Los Tres Reyes Magos van montados en sus camellos
The Three Wise Men ride their own camels

by Teh Wolfboy January 24, 2016

3👍 4👎

dedo de camello

The Spanish version of a mamel toe.

Pablo: "Matteo you are sporting a dedo de camello."
Tomas: "Si Pablo, Matteo's pants are too tight, that bulge is muy unbecoming."
Matteo: "Gracias Pablo y Tomas."

by Pablo, Tomas y Matteo November 18, 2012