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can handle

the act of shitting into another human's ass via a small connecting tube.

When he put the tube up my ass, I thought the gerbil was next. Turns out the motherfucker just wanted to can handle me. What a shitty mess!

by Gaydar Love October 24, 2003

14πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

Randle No Can Handle

Randle No Can Handle means a person can't handle the amount of weed they smoked or the amount of alcohol they consumed. The symptoms of Randle No Can Handle is when a person throws up or knocks out cold.

originated in Hawaii

Guy 1: Duuude, ty just passed out from drinking to much vodka.

Guy 2: Ahhhh randle no can handle

by FrankieDawg August 30, 2011

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Can you handle it

A gif of a dude kissing his dick with the caption β€œcan you handle it”

β€œCan you handle it”? *kisses dick*

by Racist-Black-African-Monkey June 20, 2023