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cerial killer

The person who is wanted for the murder of such people as Tony the Tiger and the Trix rabbit.

I know there is a cerial killer on the lose when i see a leperachan drowned to death in milk and is imprisoned in melted marshmelllow! beware all iconic cerial mascots! you may be next!

by oh noez!!!!!!! September 17, 2007

29👍 14👎

cerial killer

somebody who's so fat he probably eats every breakfats cerial on the market.

This guy's so fat, he must be a cerial killer.

by erik April 19, 2004

29👍 21👎

cerial killer

Eric Brent Keys

He lives off of cerial and likes it!

by shena June 16, 2004

8👍 29👎

cerial killer

someone killing people while the killed one is eating

-grwns, gwsrfewrfds OH NO A CERIAL KILLER AAAAAAAAAHH!!!

by erik June 27, 2004

4👍 27👎