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Chair Leg

The suprise of inserting a finger in a mans ass whilst giving him a blow job

that felt like a chair leg up my ass

by Pond January 31, 2007

26👍 11👎

Chair Leg

A shit that is long and stiff like a chair leg

'Damn , who forgot to flush this chair leg'

by JoobLover February 3, 2023

Chair Legs

The way legs look when you're sitting in a chair. They often spread out and look very shapely.

Mark: Dang! That chick's got some great chair legs!

by Sextron January 29, 2009

2👍 6👎

Jacobean chair leg

Originating from South London, the term is used to describe a taking dump so massive that it resembles an old English style of furniture, characterized by ornately carved chair legs and a dark finish.

Friend: "Mate, what took you so long?"
Guy: "Sorry, had to carve out a Jacobean chair leg."

by kdwilco September 22, 2013

Chair legs.

Legs at the bottom of my chair. Also arm rests are just chairs for your arms.

Ummmm chair legs.

by Xenogenisis February 24, 2020

Chair legs

Legs at the bottom of my chair. Also arm rests are just chairs for your arms.

Ummmm chair legs

by Xenogenisis February 24, 2020