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the politcally correct term for a mentally retarded person.

Person 1: that guy is a retard!
Person 2: You cant say that word anymore. He is a challenger.

by jonesberger February 4, 2019

55๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž


The British Challenger tank is the fastest and most powerful tank in the world to date. With its revolutionary fireing mechanism and armour it is able to withstand multiple RPG hits with out penertrating into the cab or turret. It has a huge 12 cylinder diesel engine in the back which produces 1200hp and is able to make it travel at over 40mph on rough ground even though it weighs over 62 tonnes. It has been used in Iraq and Afgahnistan and proven itself to be the best main battle tank in the world. It also come as standard with a kettle!!

Jeremy Clarkson stood under challenger gun - "The thing im most interested in though is the big gun, which you can see is rifled for greater accuracy. Unlike those smooth bore American ones that just hit something... over... there."

by Who Ate All The Pies August 10, 2006

111๐Ÿ‘ 68๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. Gangster slang for "corolla"

2. A dream had by men who are on the verge of impregnating their wives.

1. "Hey purdy lady, take a ride in my challenger yo." Typical response: "Nice corolla." followed by ROFL

2. "Honey, I'm going to look at challengers." Response: "Sure honey. Please have a look at the model that seats 8 with the automatic sliding doors"

by baaz333 September 11, 2010

19๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

the challenge

The Challenge is the 40 day period of Lent when a man cannot masturbate. The Challenge is a long and gruesome waiting period. Not many men can hold out.

"hey man, how far did you get in the challenge last year?"

"30 seconds, what about you?"

by thechallengewascompleted February 14, 2013


Excessively or unnecessarily burdensome, complicated, difficult or stressful.

I had a very challenging childhood. My parents pushed me through school and out into the real world without giving me an ounce of real love.

by D.S. Credito March 13, 2015

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Corporate euphemism for issue, problem, malfunction, or disaster. Used by corporate managers as a lame attempt to appear positive in the midst of major problems.

We are having some challenges with our computers, all data for the last three days was lost and cannot be restored.

by MBAsSuck September 7, 2006

105๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that you say out loud when someone is bullshitting you, or when you simply don't believe what the fuck they're talking about. Beware, for the bullshitter (aka challenge-artist) may be sneaky about it by slightly tweaking the story/comment to increase their cool-meter. You may also throw out a red flag (like in the NFL) if you have one handy, at the moment that the bullshit is dropped on you. You will find that the same people are constantly "challenged", because they like to live lies, and they feel better about themselves by making up stories about something 'cool' that they did, or something 'cool' that happened to them.

Nick: "What's up, how was the club last night after I left?"
TJ: "Oh man, you shoulda stayed...right after you left, I hooked up with like 8 chicks, and they all came back to my place!"

Danny: "Yo kid, I just drank a whole bottle of Jack!"
Chorus: "CHALLENGE!"

by ABSTRAKT September 29, 2005

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