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chaste cuckold

1. A monogamous male who remains committed despite being in a sexless relationship with a non-monogamous partner.

2. A masochistic male who reaches an agreement with his significant other to keep his inferior penis celibate so that his s/o can focus exclusively on the superior penis(es) of the lover(s).

3. A submissive male who's required to wear a chastity cage to keep him faithful while his unfaithful spouse stays devoted to satisfying the bull(s).

When my wife's boyfriend suggested she grant him the sole right to just one of her holes, she found the idea so appealing that choosing only one created an impossible dilemma for her. So, she compromised by giving him exclusive access to all three and making me a chaste cuckold.

by NeverGonnaGetIt69 July 11, 2021

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