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Cheese Factory

A prison or correctional facility known for housing informants, rats, and snitches.

Ex. 1

Larry Levine also said Butner is known as a β€œcheese factory,” a nickname alluding to the many federal informants, or β€œrats,” incarcerated there.

Reuters, "Prisons Bureau says Madoff does not have cancer," August 24, 2009

Ex. 2

Martellus: Hey cuz! The homey Shakes The Clown just paroled from Mule Creek!

Demetrius: Mule Creek?!?! That Cheese Factory? That wetter musta been tellin' on hella fools!

by ZXY&ABC September 20, 2023

cheese factory

A club that continuously plays cheesy music, a film that has tonnes of cheesy scenes or anything that's incredibly cheesy.

This club is a proper cheese factory I'm going to a different one.
I'm getting sick of this cheese factory let's watch something else.

by cablekid77 December 26, 2011

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Somersaulting Cheese Factory

A Somersaulting Cheese Factory is the slang term for a turn in a game, usually a card game gone/going out of control, or going on for a extended period of time.

A person who is known for performing ludicrous and extended turns in strategy and luck games.

β€œHey dude have you seen Mike? The mans a Somersaulting Cheese Factory!”

by Alias John Parry October 5, 2021

Dutch Cheese Factory

A sexual act wherein cheese curds are poured into a woman's anus and allowed to ferment for upwards of 3 weeks (effectively becoming cheese). The cheese is then eaten out of the womans anus along with any excrement that is bound to be there.

John had purchased some crackers to go along with the cheese that had been in Sally's anus as he had given her a Dutch Cheese Factory a couple of weeks ago.

by The Horny Badger July 26, 2011

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cheese wiz factory

A woman who doesn't take the time to wash, because she's out causing drama.

I lost sleep because that (cheese wiz factory) was at it again. turned another friend against me with her lie's.

by Cruel Canadian November 23, 2015

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