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Cheez Doodles

A delicious cheezy snack treat that comes in puffed and crunchy. The puffed ones are better.

Cheez Doodles ROCK! Please help me and Andi fight against leukemia. Sign our 1000 thumbs up and remember Ian Chode is a dick.

by Cancerman April 25, 2005

53👍 25👎

Cheez doodle fingers

When you eat cheez doodles, cheetos, doritos, etc. And get the cheez powder on your fingers. Gets larger over time.

Dude I had a bad case of cheez doodle fingers so I just had my dog lick it off.

by Sohighrightnow June 1, 2009

3👍 1👎

Cheez Doodles

Off-Brand Cheetos.

Cheez Doodles are gross

by DankBoi667 August 15, 2017