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Chemical Bag Theory

The Chemical Bag Theory is an ontological materialist and neoatheist ideology that advocates all humans are actually bags of chemicals and all thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs and actions are result of chemical reactions, such as everything someone did, do or will do are result of chemical reactions. The chemical bag theory also advocates human intelligence and human reasoning are a byproduct of chemical reactions having no reason for humans think, since humans'brains are not trustfull at all, where there is no true nor false, such as there is no free will.

"The Chemical Bag Theory is a really absurd theory, it always lead to absurd arguments and conclusions that majority of people consider normal. That is the why we need to overcome materialism and neoatheism and think in something futher of these."

"Quantum Mechanics and Extraphysical Mechanics refute the Chemical Bag Theory, but still, majority of people cannot see it and still advocate this absurd materialistic theory."

by Full Monteirism January 4, 2021