Noun, comprised of two words: chimpanzee + intimidation
Also, v. chimptimidate
When a relatively insignificant number of minority complaints have the disproportionate effect of making national headlines, getting prominant people fired, altering the path of state and federal legislation, and limiting free thought and speech for an entire nation. Thus, the prejudiced objections of a very few minority members have enormous impact upon the general public.
Chimptimidation allows the minority to punish the majority for social transgressions both real and fabricated (but usually fabricated).
Chimptimidation, chimptimidate and chimptimidated are words that were all created by Prof. Charles A. Miller in October of 2007.
Our news media, our politicians, our educators and our entertainers all live in a perpetual state of chimptimidation, fearing the possibility that they might offend a small minority of Americans.