The chinese hamster is often mistaken for the lesser-known Barnaby Thorold. It often burrows underground to facetime whilst in hybernation and only makes an appearance for chazzle or when forced out of its burrow for a 6:30 practice session. Although the chinese hamster is a monogamous species with one life long mate it seems to spend most of its time alone resembling death. It is currently endangered due to the manifestation of increasingly large spots between there eyes.
A chinese hamster just failed Astronomy 001
a Chinese dwarf hamster is a fast energetic small hamster, with silver skin a white stomach and a black stripe, looks like a great white shark from underneath it , and is the easiest creature to take care of for the laziest people.
this hamster rarely bites so your ready to go!
a Chinese dwarf hamster is a fast energetic small hamster, with silver skin a white stomach and a black stripe, looks like a great white shark from underneath it , and is the easiest creature to take care of for the laziest people.