A capacity that's usually equal to around 300mAh-650mAh, at least for 18650 batteries.
You can take the capacity that's stated and divide by 10 to usually get the real capacity. But if its above 650mAh its probably more towards 300mAh
This happens because places in asia take 18650 batteries out of ewaste and then send them to china where they get processed down to fake 18650 batteries.
Person 1: Do you think these 18650s would be good enough to vape with? They are 9900mAh which is the biggest ive seen!
Person 2: No, thats in chinese mAh. Its probably like 320mAh. Get some Samsung 30Q batteries from a reputable source.
Person 1: I found some samsung 30Q for cheap on aliexpress!
Person 2: Not from there there, dumbass