Source Code

chris warnica

In the city of Whoville, there lived a man named Chris Warnica, With a neck so long and fat, it made folks say, "Oh my, I never did see-ka!" He loved McDonald's, oh yes indeed, Their burgers and fries were just what he'd need. With a neck so long, he'd peek through the door, "Hello, dear McDonald's, I'm back for some more!" The cashier would smile and say with delight, "Welcome back, Chris, your order's just right." He'd munch on his burgers, savoring each bite, With a grin on his face, oh, what a sight! But one day, oh dear, as he munched on his meal, some bullies came by, with hearts made of steel. They pointed and laughed at Chris's long neck, Saying rude things that made him feel like a wreck. But Chris was no quitter, oh no, not he, With a twinkle in his eye, he began to decree: "I may have a long neck, but I'm proud as can be, And I love McDonald's, can't you see?" The bullies stopped laughing, their hearts touched by his cheer, They apologized to Chris, feeling quite sincere. From that day forward, they all became friends, Sharing burgers and fries, making amends. So remember dear friends, no matter your size, Or the length of your neck, or the shape of your eyes, It's the love in your heart that truly does matter, So spread joy and kindness, and watch your life scatter, With happiness and laughter, like Chris Warnica, With a neck so long and fat, in the city of Whoville-ica!

Let’s pull a Chris Warnica and hit the school forrest for a good ol’ time.

by doctorproctortheboatsailingdoc March 27, 2024