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Cleaning the Slate

Cleaning the slate is the act of getting so drunk that you wipe your brain clean of any recent information that you may have gathered. Slate cleanings are popular after big tests, projects, deadlines, or break-ups.

Josh had a really rough finals week, so he planned on cleaning the slate over the weekend to free up more space in his brain.

by mad_mike701 August 29, 2011

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clean slate

Starting anew, with a fresh approach. A clean slate begins with the action of 'wiping the slate clean'.

After a decade of philandering, I'm going to start my thirties with a clean slate.

by JimiBiz July 28, 2008

161๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

clean slate

when dropping a deuce, when you wipe your ass and the toilet paper is completely free of any fecal matter.

I pinched off a big old dump, and after wiping I was pleased to see it was a clean slate.

by Heavy555 August 2, 2012

34๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

clean slate

when one's pubic region made totally bald

I am going clean slate from now on, or for at least the next to days when it starts to grow back.

by CaptJack January 3, 2008

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clean slate

"clean slate" means that something looks really amazing. It looks so cool that it can be called clean slate.

All taylormade clubs in a taylormade staff tour bag with r7 headcovers is clean slate

by Brett Shillington August 9, 2006

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Clean Slate Policy

When someone is fired or quits a job, everything that goes wrong or is found broken in the next two weeks that the fired/quit person could have possibly touched gets blamed on that person. Can also be used as a cover for missing items.

Hey, james was fired this morning. So if you have work that you diddnt do recently, blame him, its our on site clean slate policy.

by Cubis_Max September 11, 2009

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Clean Slate

When you take and dump and wipe your butt and there is nothing on the toilet paper.

Man, ever since I started eating more salads, every time I take a crap I wipe and have a clean slate! Sweet!!!

by SuperSwagDaddyStone December 8, 2017

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