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A man who looks like a mountain monkey and will do anything for a nickel

Hey give me a nickel imma go to cleatis

by raisinghell85 March 6, 2015

10👍 3👎

catfish cleatis

A jealous stalker boyfriend who won't leave so he steals her phone and sends phony messages trying to benefit his situation.

Friend: "Hi Jen, how are you?
Catfish cleatis: "I have a boyfriend so stop calling!"
Friend: "Ah... this must be Cleatis the Catfish with a cats penis. Lol. Have Jen hit me up when she gets her phone back"

by Mr Dinges July 17, 2024


Cleaty is a strong , loyal and unique person. He will do anything for his friends and family. Hard worker and usually gets what he wants. When he loves it is forever.

Cleaty is going to the movies with his mom.

by Cleetncric August 14, 2021