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n. 1. An object of ultimate desire to those with anger management issues or those therefore defined as taking Prilosec for a consistant heartburn of pure, unadulterated rage.
2. Something obtained in Dark Age of Camelot.
3. Used in an exclamation when something is ninjaed, usually to an absolute extreme.

"You stole my fucking CLOUDSONG."

by S.E. A October 9, 2005

383👍 45👎


n. 1. An object of ultimate desire to those with anger management issues or those therefore defined as taking Prilosec for a consistant heartburn of pure, unadulterated rage.
2. Something obtained in Dark Age of Camelot.
3. Used in an exclamation when something is ninjaed, usually to an absolute extreme.

"You stole my fucking CLOUDSONG."

by Electrowolf May 2, 2006

27👍 120👎


1-An inanimate object created via the cyber world.

2-Something which people whom have nobody to desire, desire

3-An indirect source of happiness for those whom have none

Oh Cloudsong, How you make me happy sometimes!

I dropped out of high school but its ok because I have a Cloudsong!

by J FIZZLE December 28, 2005

24👍 117👎