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coal burning

White females preferring to have sex with Black males rather than White males. Their reasons have less to do with organ size than they do with appreciation. Black males appreciate the loving attention they get from White females .

White women who are into coal burning may even sometimes have babies with their husbands. However, their daughters will always prefer White dolls.

by Sheikh Yer Weenie May 9, 2021

36👍 80👎

Coal Burning Faith

(n) term used to describe the antiquated and outdated belief system of any faith that has failed to account for societal change and human evolution.

Hank: So where does "writing malware" fall under the Ten Commandments?
Jebidiah: Well, um, err...
Hank: Yeah, I don't think your coal burning faith has an understanding of how society works these days. Perhaps you can pray to McAfee or Norton to save you from virtual damnation...

by Jaq Lemur February 3, 2010

14👍 43👎

burning coal

to have sex with an individual of African Origin

Joe's been going out with a black girl - he's burning coal all night long

by cobalt-60 August 1, 2003

245👍 40👎

Burning coal

Having sex with black people

"She's a coal burner. Gross" "She's burning coal" "burn the coal, pay the toll"

by Stilllynx July 14, 2022

59👍 10👎

burn coal

To have sex with a black girl.

I can't wait to burn coal tonight.

by Dave likes coal May 24, 2007

57👍 29👎