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Cock Licker

Someone who likes to lick the pelvic muscle of a male's body.

Bella licked Jame's penis all night, what a cock licker she is!

by Pelvic August 12, 2015

10πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

cock licker

when your gay like frey and lick cock

you god dam cock licker

by the arguement winner October 28, 2022

massive cock licker

Your friend after he dosent want to play the escapists 2

Friend: I don’t want to play the escapists dude
You: you’re a massive cock licker

by niklikescock April 29, 2022

2πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Ten yard cock licker

A slut cheerleader that has put her mouth on ten yards of cock.

Hey did you hear about Tiffany?
No, what about her?
She was caught having an orgy with the whole football team!
wow, what a ten yard cock licker.

by SomeItalian November 9, 2023