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Cock the hammer

1. pulling back on the hammer of a revolver pistol to be in ready position to strike the percussion cap/primer, to ignite the propellant and fire the bullet.

2. pulling back on the skin of the penis shaft near climax for a more effective ejaculation

1. Did you cock the hammer? Be ready to shoot!

2. I’ve got to cock the hammer and loosen my load.

by Newfie blogger January 23, 2022

Cock Hammered

Waking up in a state of looking or feeling rough. Used similarly to "hit by a bus" except the unpleasant state is compared to your face being used as an anvil while John Henry forges steel on it with his mammoth cock. Can also be used to describe a blow to the face of extreme force.

1) "Shit man, I don't remember anything from last night. I feel like I got COCK HAMMERED!"

2) "Whoa, Lawrence you look like you got COCK HAMMERED!"

3) "I just COCK HAMMERED Adam with a brick!"

by B Sparkle October 23, 2011

7👍 4👎

cock hammer

An event or situation making the likelyhood of action probable. The opposite of a cock block.

"Thats totally a cock hammer! Danielle is gonna be in the other bed so Jesse will have to sleep with you!"

by haggardp2lfc November 29, 2006

9👍 28👎

roasted cock hammer

a man who has sizable genitals who decides too make the mistake of lighting his pubic hair on fire.

tracy: did you hear?

shannon: hear what?

tracy: that tim did a roasted cock hammer!

shannon: oh snap did you get it on video?

tracy: hell ya!

by no one likes roasted nuts October 31, 2009

3👍 6👎


When your giant clam basher performs so well that your woman advertises to her friends causing your dance card to be full at all times.

She has a lot of little hottie girlfriends, so I gave her the all pro cock hammer! My phone hasn't stopped ringing !

by Uncle Kurtie October 22, 2006

50👍 22👎