the most talented “indie” and cute drummer boy to ever exist. Cole Preston plays for the band Wallows alongside Braeden Lemasters, Dylan Minnette and two others. 10/10 would recommend stanning, will lead to clear skin.
hey have you heard Cole Preston sing in the new Wallows song? it’s about damn time! what can’t he do? 😌
Drummer in the indie band wallows, may actually be the secret identity of Sia
Cole Preston should sing more
The swaggest drummer to ever exist. He’s multi-talented, kind and has cool hair and tattoes. He has a sweatshirt that he wears 24/7. An overall 11/10 person
Cole Preston is swag
His actual name is Pole Creston in case you didn’t know.
He’s like a cartoon character, wears the same outfit everyday. I am very jealous of his hair, planning on stealing it one day 😇he plays like a thousand instruments or smth like that and occasionally sings
Very talented man very much recommend 💯💯
Wow!! Pole Creston is wearing a Magic sweater how weird, totally did not expect it!!
I want Cole Preston’s drumming sticks
Pole gets his hair from his brain, all the ideas rise to the top. 💆 ♀️
varón de pau, no lo mires no lo toques no pienses en él es solo de pau, respeta.
cole preston dijo en un concierto:"soy de pau los demás quisieran".
A really awesome dummer in an “indie” band called Wallows along with Dylan Minnette, Braeden Lemasters and two others. Coley boy is amazing and really talented. As a member of being in Cole Preston supremacy he should have his own day on April 7
“Did you see what day it is!? It’s COLE PRESTON DAY!!!”