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A overgrown child who looks like she have drugs and alcohol abuse, but she only smokes big dripping hand roll cigarettes, wich stinks. A frikking colorhead is a person who thinks she soooo creativ, a real artzy natzy funny joker. She puts her drawings on myspace so other color kids can comment on them. The colorheads love colors ALL COLORS, they see themselves as sparkling rainbows, their clothes have so many colors that the human eye see them as one big round brown thing. When the colorheads go out they are awful dancing along with a serious passion for stupid arty farty music, disco reggae and hippie hippie fucking scumbag bands.

ESTER: im on a glass course, it's pretty nice.
ESTER: "a glass course, im on a glass course!"
MARIA: "shit... Are you a colorhead? I frikkin hate colorheads, GFY and listen to some Chicks On Speed!!!"
ESTER: "seriously!"
MARIA: "Go away and take ya' your mongol bike."
CARINA: " and eat some pommes your arty farty colorhead.""
ESTER: "Jesus Christ what to do?"

by †reptilicus† February 17, 2009

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