A spoon that was present in King Bach's ice cream vine, where he had asked if he could have some of his friends ice cream. When King Bach's friend was presented this question, he said that King Bach could only consume one spoonful of the ice cream. (Context: The friend bought the ice cream and did not want to share all of the sweet frozen treat, a logical decision to make). When King Bach was given the yes to have only a spoonful of his friend's ice cream, he pulled out a comically large stainless steel spoon. With a smirk on his face, he opened the door to the freezer where the ice cream was stored, and would then consume a spoonful of the ice cream. Since the spoon was so comically large, King Bach would be able to consume all of the ice cream, while only having a spoonful.
"Can I get some ice cream?"
"Only a spoonful."
*King Bach pulls out a Comically Large Spoon*
203π 2π
It's a funny big spoon used in vine videos by King Bach specifically.
Transcript of the "Comically Large Spoon" Vine:
King Bach:
I unceremoniously salute you, o closely associated individual of mine. It is within my best interest that I request you wherethrough I may have the chance to acquire access to this non-atomically-active food known as a dessert, herewithin this relatively large device, known commonly as a refrigerator, of whose function is to preserve common consumables, to grant access for the aforementioned purpose. I give this statement in good faith that I become a holder of access to the consumable.
Bach's friend:
O closely related individual, I shalt grant you a right to access to the sweetened product under one, only one, and exactly one condition: you, aforementioned individual, and the listeners of this message, are to remove and consume the quantity of confectionary coolant that which does not transcend that of which would be able to reside therewithin a traditional dining equipment which is similar to a bowl, and which, is commonly known as a spoon. I expect you, the individual I am referring to, act in a way such that the aforementioned terms and conditions are not broken, thereby keeping our trust within each other remain intact.
King Bach, who had extended and contracted multiple muscles of his to make a look of one who has surpassed another, conveniently obtains a comedically tremendous dining utensil, wherewith he, King Bach, obtains access to any coveted cooling confectionary he would desire.
50π 1π
A spoon that is comically large
A comically large spoon is a physic type's ultimate weapon!
49π 6π
Comically large spoon make me do the laugh.
20π 3π
"dawg can I get some ice cream?" The first man says, opening the fridge.
"only a spoonful!" The second man says, pointing a finger at the first man.
Then the first man pulls out a comically large spoon, enough to take the entire tub of ice cream.
When the first man pulls it out he has a large grin on his face, a death stare, perhaps a stare of "you got tricked"
He proceeds to take the ice cream from the fridge.
It is funny because the spoonful is actually very large, and can take so much ice cream, that it would not even be a spoonful anymore.
1. I will use my comically large spoon to trick my friends into thinking I will only take one spoonful, when the spoon is comically large, it will be more than one normal spoonful, therefore getting the desired amount of ice cream from the refrigerator
2π 1π
Something that is so large, unrealistically larger than their regular version, that it's hilarious
A tie that it oversized, used largely by clowns and other jokers to get a cheap laugh
Did you see Connors tie?
Yeah bro heβs wearing a comically large tie to prom!