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Community Standards

Often arbitrary and nonsensical overbearing "rules" created and constantly changed by basement dwellers to take revenge on the world for always getting picked last at sports or the prom. Added to and made more oppressive weekly, or whenever the moderators run out of hot pockets.

Hey, that meme you posted was really Funny! Too bad you violated "Community Standards". 30 day ban.

by Jonesy Shwemes December 29, 2021

Community Standards

The official constitution of Nazi Germany… and also Facebook. A set of secret rules, enforced by bots, and meant to censor people, um I mean maintain a safe environment for all.

You’ve violated Facebook’s Community Standards! You are hereby under arrest and sentenced to 30 days in prison!

by FegelFatso September 16, 2021

Community Standards

Often arbitrary and nonsensical overbearing "rules" created and constantly changed by basement dwellers to take revenge on the world for always getting picked last at sports or the prom. Added to and made more oppressive weekly, or whenever the moderators run out of hot pockets.

Hey, that meme you posted was really Funny! Too bad you violated "Community Standards". 30 day ban.

by Jonesy Shwemes December 29, 2021

community standards

A bunch of KGB spies of their snowflake division monitor everything you post or say and put you in the Facebook Gulag without a trial or appeal. This is one small step towards communism

Facebook community standards

by DEAN JEANIE December 2, 2022