when the government outsources its own duties & responsibilities to consultant types. When it seeks their help to answer basic questions and solve problems. This act is done to promote the government's own narratives, consolidate power and reaffirm their existing beliefs.
The consultants would be required to produce a powerpoint presentation (aka "A DECK") on it. The deck shall have a minimum of 3 pie charts, 6 graphs, small font, cheesy acronyms, 2 inspirational quotes attributed to random dead thinkers & philosophers, and flourish animation.
As a result decision-making becomes a chaotic blend of wisdom, whimsy, & wild suggestions resembling a brainstorming session gone hilariously wrong.
In the land of consultocracy, the Supreme Leader's attempt to fix potholes involved a committee of experts deliberating on the most efficient shapes for them, while the roads continued to resemble a lunar surface.