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cool stuff

A word used to discribe your drug of choice.

Yo, doodoo head do you want to get some "cool stuff" to do in the bathroom at Crowleys?

by Malec March 4, 2006

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cool stuff

a universal draw string bag that contains illegal weapons and or items belonging to other people

let me put my knife in the "cool stuff"

by chez mclovin August 9, 2008

4👍 13👎

Cool stuff

The breaking or destruction of anything that makes your night intensely cool. Side Effects include: extreme delight & long - lasting erections.

Lets go to a party and do cool stuff!

by FTT43 May 30, 2009

6👍 15👎

very cool stuff

1. An expression used when you think something is very cool
2. Drugs
3. A shitty website

1 "Bro thats some very cool stuff on your computer!"
2 "ay you got that very cool stuff nigga?
3. Dude 1: "verycoolstuff.net is a shitty website" Dude 2: "agreed"

by popbobsexbiome22 March 30, 2020

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Cool stuff man

(n). A word you use after a boring person texts you telling you about things you don't care to reply to thus pissing them off by only saying this. Mostly meaning "I DON'T CARE" But in a slightly nicer way. A great subject-changer!

Boring person: (After a profusely long story about things that don't concern you)

You Reply: Cool stuff man.

And change the subject.

by RBSlover :) January 3, 2011

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Cool Guy Stuff

Also Known As CGS. Cool guy stuff is a term used to talk about smoking marijuana. Usually used around relatives, girlfriends, or people you don't want to let know you smoke.

Gerrard want to do some cool guy stuff when we get out of class. Yeah dude definitly I'll go buy some, and we will go on a ride then to McDonalds.

by Short Gordon November 8, 2007

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cool guy stuff

The act of smoking marijauna. An alterate way of reffering to smoking marijauna.

Yo Gordon you want to do cool guy stuff later?

Ya dude Im always down for cool guy stuff.

by Gerard Anthony LoSardo II November 2, 2007

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