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corporate greed

A corporation's pursuit of gaining an over sufficient quantity of wealth by making decisions that are absent of any notion of morals and ethics.

Raising the price of a life saving drug from $30 to $700 per pill is the result of corporate greed.

by Diry Hippy November 3, 2015

51👍 5👎

corporate greed

Wasteful spending and hoarding by selfish decision-makers in large businesses:

Huge salaries, golden handshakes, bad investments, long vacations, perks, tax evasion, and embezzling.

Due to corporate greed America is going to Hell in a handbasket!!!

by thedzone October 5, 2009

96👍 28👎

Corporate Greed

The belief that hard work, personal risks, innovation and investments should be rewarded in a capitalist economy. One of the many imaginary things hippies and black people blame their problems on.

Dirty Hippie: "bill gates is an asshole cause he's rich. Corporate greed is whats wrong with America. Vote Obama."

by Bush Cheney '12 October 10, 2011

43👍 120👎

Corporate Greed

SM entertainment’s favorite scheme

Sarah: Hey, why is Sm entertainment getting sued?
Karen: Because along with the mistreatment they also refuse to pay their best artists, resulting in corporate greed on their end.

by Beomgyu’s baby mama June 1, 2023